While this method may be similar to Reiki - I recommend it way beyond any Reiki books or trainings - at least the author is not delluding you into going through any initiations, but you get to learn how align yourself with the power within you and let it flow to help heal yourself or others. Through a little bit of practice, you can become very proficient in helping both yourself and others.
It is a good supplement for taking care of your health and sometimes you'll find that this is all that you need. English Malayalam Typing Software. There were times when I helped friends with long-standing and annoying health problem accompanied by intense pain - get rid of it using just the techniques as they are described in this book. Some other similar books you may check are the ones that deal with Pranic healing.
Quantum-Touch is the touch-based healing technique that uses the chi of both practitioner and client, bringing them into harmony to allow the body to heal itself. A Different Kind of War: The UN Sanctions Regime in Iraq. New York: Berghahn Books, 2006. A help of encounters under this knowledge sent acted by the President to the.
It will enrich your repertoire. As a hypnotist I have been using the similar method, but instead of directing the flow of healing energy through the hands, using only mind. I did at times have clients who had scoliosis and to whom I also recommended to check out this book and who have experienced noticeable improvements where their medical doctors told them nothing more could be done. Techniques in this book are very simple, straighforward and very well explained and sooner or later you may find it really handy to know them.
Quantum Touch is a must have for any serious energy healer. Vertex Tools Sketchup Crack 2017. Being a Reiki Master of Usui I recommend this book to anyone that takes their healing art seriously. For any one who is unfamilar with the life force (prana, chi, etc.) breathing exercises (called Pranayama in India) that increase the prana or life force in ones body during a healing session increases the level of the healing in those being healed. If that makes sense.
My point is, the strength and level of the healers energy level is very important to a fast and effective healing. Most reiki healers believe that all you need to do is open the channel to start the flow, I believe the channel needs to be healthy, unblocked, and super charged with life force enrgy. This book is very thorough and covers many areas of healing like distance, animals, emotional healing, group healing, etc. This book is very similar to any other energy healing method but adds to a reiki masters knowledge base. I believe even though many people call their techniques by different names, it is all using the same energy. So do not get confused by names of light, energy healing, pranic healing, or reiki. 'Quantum-Touch' is a powerful book.
I have used energy healing techniques for over 23 years, and after applying the easy and accessible techniques in this book I have increased my capacity dramatically in just the first few weeks. The book is written in easy to understand language that demystifies healing energy work.
I cannot say enough good things about this book and the author. I was fortunate enough, after reading the book, to attend a workshop presented by Richard Gordon. I found him to be sincere and dedicated to the idea that we all possess the power to heal and if given the chance we will use it. I encourage anyone interested in life and health to read this book.
It not only contains wonderful and simple techniques, it also contains invaluable information for general health and well-being all presented with humor and love. Buy it, read it, use it and spread the word, we are ALL healers. As a nurse-healer, I am always studying the dynamic and often mysterious process of energy-based healing. When I read Quantum-Touch, I knew I had discovered an important key to the process of accessing and directing the subtle energy which we healers use. I quickly put the information into action and feel as if the quality of my healing work has taken a quantum leap. The book is a true joy to read, never complicated, down to earth.
I loved this book and after reading it cover to cover, I went out and bought 4 copies to give to my closest friends. I am now rereading it. Richard Gordon is a deeply developed healer with the ability to communicate the process of energy (life-force) science in a beautiful style. I recommend this book to anyone who has interest in developing the art and science of hands on healing.