Digitech Rp Patch Converter

Preset (patch) filter converter Project RPXplor for the DigiTech RP150 RP155 RP250 RP255 RP350 RP355 RP500 RP1000.

See All 449 Rows On Www2.digitech.comDigitech Rp Patch Converter

Welcome to RPXplor's official site. Note: This program RPXplor is a work in progress. Meaning that there may be some bugs or features that are not functional or enabled. Latest version is v1.2.2 release @ 1350 PST UTC-8To view this site in your language you can try translate.google.com not sure how accurate it is, but it's better than nothing. Currently RPXplor will load and display all (if properly formatted 1) of the following RP preset files, 150, 155, 250, 255, 350, 355, 500, and 1000.

RPXplor will also load and display GNX3k, GNX4 and GSP1101 preset files. Filtering aka converting is supported for the following: Conversion RP150 RP155 RP250 RP255 RP350 RP355 RP500 RP1000 GSP1101 GSP1101b RP150 -->- Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y RP155 -->Y - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y RP250 -->Y Y - Y Y Y Y Y Y Y RP255 -->Y Y Y - Y Y Y Y Y Y RP350 -->Y Y Y Y - Y Y Y Y Y RP355 -->Y Y Y Y Y - Y Y Y Y RP500 -->Y Y Y Y Y Y - Y Y Y RP1000 -->Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - Y Y GSP1101 -->Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - - GSP1101b -->Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y - Y=Provided that the modeling is supported in your unit from which the preset is being Filtered from.

PV=Partial Values, need more information on values. Echo And The Bunnymen Porcupine Rare. V=Values, need value confirmation. GSP1101b=C48 firmware GSP1101 users please read. Please note, NOT ALL Upper presets (patches) will be easily Down filtered because the UPPER models do have more modeling features than the Lower models, so it's not just a matter of straight filtering/converting. The reason for this is that RPXplor does not simply rename the XML Tags, but checks the Position, ID, and Values as they are loaded and crossed checked with the known values of the particular RP unit to which it is filtering too.

Example, if your RP unit does not have the Redline distortion and the preset you are trying to convert is calling/using is it, then it's not going to filter over. You can bypass it, tweak as needed as described on the Information page. Hopefully this will help the RPx55 community to build up the collection of patches. Of course, for those of you with a unit other than the supported models, you can use RPXplor as a patch viewer and manually dial in the settings. As RPXplor will display the settings in a Human readable form easily. It's easier than using a browser or notepad anyways (IMO).

1 If the preset file was originally save/exported with X-Edit, RPXplor should have no problems loading the file. Please read this and (is newer and gives examples of all units not covered in the old info page) page it will help you better understand using RPXplor.

DigiTech® Sound Community:: Guitar Products Community Search: RP350 pages only Guitar pages only All Sound Community RP350 Thread:: patch converter () Author Message joker10 member since: messages: 578 Subject: patch converter I did not know that this existed, I am sure that others were also unaware. Preset converter for windows: zib member since: messages: 21 Subject: Re: patch converter Thanks mr Joker10, great information. Jtwtech member since: messages: 1 Subject: Re: patch converter Does this converter allow you to download user created patches designed for other digitech models, and converts them for use on the RP-350? Thanks joker10 member since: messages: 578 Subject: Re: patch converter Yes, but it probably will only work with the 150 250 and 350 units Str8jacket member since: messages: 8 Subject: Re: patch converter What I have been doing is just change the patch ending to.txt and open it up with notepad.