32 Bit Register File Vhdl

I wrote the assembly code for this circuit in vhdl already. I want to simulate it with a test bench. • RegWrite: 1 bit input (clock) • Write Register Number: 3-bit input(write addresses) • Write Data: 32-bit input (data in) Read • Register Number A: 3-bit input (read addresses) • Read Register Number B: 3-bit input (read adddresses) • Port A: 32-bit output (data out) • Port B: 32-bit output (data out) I think my problem is that I don't understand what this circuit does. I chose random values to assign to the inputs, but it didn't output anything.

32 Bit Register File Vhdl32 Bit Register File Vhdl

32 BIT ALU design with vhdl code datasheet, cross reference, circuit and application notes in pdf format. VHDLIn general reading an address before it is written doesn. I'm creating an n bit shift register. N bit shift register (Serial in Serial out) in VHDL. Cara Audacity Full Version. Up vote 4 down vote favorite.

My circuit has a grid of 32 x 8 D flip flops. Each row should be producing a 32 bit vectors that contain the Q values from the D-ff's - which are then sent to a 8x1 MUX. 6-port Register File. This register file has 3 write and 3 read ports and a depth of 32 8-bit registers. To download the VHDL source code for this model.

What are good inputs to choose for this circuit? In general reading an address before it is written doesn't produce any useful results.

Your block diagram shows a 32 bit wide 8 word deep register file with two read ports and one write port with RegWrite used as a clock gated by the decode of the write address. A stable WriteRegNum value and a rising edge on RegWrite effects a write to the address specified by WriteRegNum. The two read ports appear completely independent. Specifying an address on the respective ReadRegNumA or ReadRegNumB should output the contents of that register to the respective output port. To get something useful out, you have to write to that location first, otherwise it will be the default value ((others =>'U'),) suspiciously like your waveform. Trying writing to a location before expecting valid read data from it.